Uploading files to FreeAgent
It is possible to upload any files to FreeAgent for your reference later, or for reference by your Accountant.
The files can be in any format up to 5MB in size. You start by clicking on Files at the top right hand side of the main overview screen, and following the instructions in the link;
Examples of some of the key documents your accountant is interested in are;
– Important dates for New Companies from HMRC – for your business UTR and company year end
– Companies House notification of registration and the authentication code
– Registration as an Employer, showing the business paye references and start date
– VAT certificate and confirmation of any special schemes
– You may also want to save your final accounts documents each year, then they are always accessible without searching through old paperwork.
Top Tip – if you want to save your expense receipts for reference later, it is better to save these against the transaction explanations you allocate when you are completing your banking.
FreeAgent , Limited Company , OZKAN Accountants , Sole Trader