Bookkeeping and accounting are often lumped together by accountancy firms in the services that they offer, and we often find small business owners aren’t clear on the differences between these two distinct arms of accountancy, or even if there’s a difference at all. Yet within the industry, becoming a bookkeeper or an accountant have their […]
Read moreGrowing and operating a small business can have benefits and costs to any individual’s mental health. As founders of these businesses, we find our personal wellbeing is intrinsically linked to the success of our entrepreneurial ventures. Our businesses ensure that we get paid, thereby enabling us to live the life we want to. Our sense […]
Read moreHMRC Self-Assessment Filing Deadline – Midnight 31st January 2018 With all the fun of Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas & New Year still to come, it easy to push the HMRC deadline of 31st January 2018 for personal tax returns and tax payments to the back of your mind. December through to January is one of […]
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