
Editing images with AI technology

Written by Ozkan Accountants

How can creative industries benefit from the growth of artificial intelligence? What if there were ways to enhance creative projects, art, photography through the power of machine intelligence and AI? It’s a hot topic in the world of AI. Art appeals to emotion – a quality that AI does not have. And yet, using data-driven insights combined with an understanding of the human mind means we should in theory be able to enhance creative projects in ways that create better sensory experiences.

Developing AI image editing

It’s just the topic that Cyanapse, a resident company at FuseBox, is working on. Dr Sebastien Behuret and Dr Esin Yavuz founded Cyanapse to build software tools to improve the perception of visual content using AI. Their background is in neuroscience, having specialised in sensory perception, and together they have built programs that run on high performance computers which work as simulations of brain circuits.

The primary project at Cyanapse is an advanced image editing platform. Imagine a version of Photoshop or Lightroom which does the image editing work for you and you’re not a million miles off from what Cyanapse are working on with Cylight API. Through AI technology, this image editor will enhance pictures with photo filters and image enhancements. Using simple user-defined parameters, bulk processing of images can be performed with ease. Unlike many other photo editing apps where it’s not uncommon to accidentally butcher your image with edits that look trippy or strange if you don’t know what you’re doing (guilty!), Cyanapse’s photo editing will provide photorealistic enhancements driven by the AI technology.

cyanapse ai editing

Here, Cyanapse put their AI technology to the task of presenting the same image at different times of the day, altering the levels of daylight.

Cyanapse are also working on a front-end, Celeste. This is a mobile and web-app designed to generate and test AI photo filters. It uses Cylight API as a back-end, which means that a 4k resolution image will be processed and enhanced in less than a second, whilst a front-end mobile and web-app will allow users to play around with different AI photo filters easily. All of the AI image enhancements and transformations take place in the cloud, meaning it doesn’t matter whether you’re using the latest Mac Pro or a low spec ChromeBook – the image processing will happen rapidly on advanced cloud technology and be returned to you for your viewing pleasure. Both of these projects are an extension of existing AI photo enhancement technology that Cyanapse have built.

daylight night image editing

A similar task was undertaken by the AI here, changing a daytime image to appear as if it was taken at night.

The results of this technology will ease the lives of content creators everywhere in various industries, from casual bloggers to video game development.

More about Cyanapse

In addition to the development of Cylight and Celeste, Cyanapse provides data consultancy services to help companies gain insights from data through a process of extracting relevant data, processing it, and providing visualised results. The team at Cyanapse are also supporting the testing of Brighton’s 5G network, being one of the first to take part in the testbed. You can find out more and sign up to beta test both Cylight and Celeste on the Cyanapse website.

Our clients

Groundbreaking AI technology is just our cup of tea at OZKAN, and we specialise in helping businesses and projects like Cyanapse optimise their finances. Take a look at what else our clients are up to on our client news section.


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